"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought."
This is a story of best friends becoming lovers. Not that we begin all this with a mutual feeling of crush. Not at all. Yet, here we are. Standing together, on the steps to our wedding.
We knew each other from high school –wow, what a long time in the past! Things were progressing when we were in college. Trapped in the same circle and same hangout friends, until now and then. We were close. Really close. The human diary for one another.
We became too attached. At some point we thought that we were in a confusion, we believed that it's just not right. We freaked out. We started to cut it off, made the boundaries, being distant. Hoping that the feelings will be back to the place where it belongs.
Years later, we met again. Fully grown up. Mature enough to accept our feelings, that actually are still there. Stronger than ever. We finally understood that we don't need to run away, we just had to acknowledge what is "us".
So serious, it has come to this day. The day that we let you know that we are going to get married. We have been so in love for a very long time. Now, we have decided that we will keep on falling in love with each other for a longer time, much much longer time in the future. From today to eternity. And beyond.
So, with a light and joyful heart, we would like you to join in the celebration of happiness. The sacred ceremony of love. Together, we celebrate how we finally decided to be each other’s soulmate for life. And this is the story of best friends becoming lovers.
Your presence and prayer for our wedding is the greatest gift we could ask for. No other gifts are needed or expected. Nevertheless, we would be honored to receive any gift and have provided the means to make it easier for you. Thank you.
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Mr. Syahrul Ahyar
Mas Nabi dan mbak Diaz, selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga menjadi keluarga saqinah mawaddah warahmah..aamiin YRA
2 years ago
Ms. Mutiara Maulidina
Happy wedding kaka nabil dan kaka diaz!!! Happily ever after 🤍🤍🤍
2 years ago
Mr. Danial Akbar
Happy wedding bree Nabil & Diaz !! best wishes for you both ❤️❤️❤️
2 years ago
Ms. Windy Oktanaura
Happy Wedding Diaz&Nabil!!! wish you both a happy and long marriage ❤️❤️❤️
2 years ago
Ms. Audrya Damayanti
Barakallahu laka wa baraka 'alaika wa jama'a bainakuma fii khair. Adik ayu selamat sayang♥️ Semoga sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah bersama suami
2 years ago
Mr. Miko Dani & Mrs. Wulan Ranny GOING
Selamat Diaz sayang, akhirnya 💜
Barakallah kalian berdua, bahagia lahir batin dunia akhirat berdua selamanya
Much love,
2 years ago
Mr. Bakti Sukwanto
Selamat berbahagia dalam menempuh hidup baru semoga menjadi keluarga Sakinah, Mawahdah dan Warohmah serta menjadi keluarga yang menjaga keselamatan dunia & akhirat, Aamiin
2 years ago
Mrs. Adisha Dewi
Alhamdulillah.. selamat ya Nabil n Diaz, smg dilancarkan proses akad n resepsi nya, senantiasa diberikan kebahagiaan penuh cinta dan segera punya momongan. Amiinn 🙏
2 years ago
Mr. Ramly Abdullah & Ms. Mufrodatul Halimah GOING
bismillah lancar☺️☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰
2 years ago
Mr. Gevi Auliano GOING
Couple goals 🤲👌
2 years ago
Ms. Dyah Kurniawati
alhamdulillah selamat mas! bismillah lancar hafalan ijabnya ya.. semangat
2 years ago
Mrs. Ika Avriani
Barakallah Nabil,,,,Alhamdulillah akhirnya ya bil.......jgn gugup dan tegang. Bismillah, semangat....😘😘😘
2 years ago
Mr. Hantoro Saputro & Ms. Miranti Sedya GOING
Cant waittt
2 years ago
Ms. Eliephedia Okidimis
Weeew... congratz brooohh... long lasting...
2 years ago
Mrs. Titah Salsabilah
Aaakkk happy wedding mbak yazz, lancar sampe hari H, samawaaa yaa
2 years ago
Mr. & Mrs. Shofyan Wirayudha
woooogghhh juragan99. lancar2 ker, samawa
2 years ago
Mr. Sigit Pramana
Baraklah mas nabil & mba diaz , sakinah mawaddah warahmah. Salam
2 years ago
Ms. Giarena
Barakallah Diaz. Semoga sakinah mawaddah warahmah 😘
2 years ago
Ms. Diza Nurina Libertya GOING
Icikiwir ihiwww
2 years ago